We dream to remember. We dream to forget. We dream to rehearse.

One dream from the past has had a ubiquitous influence on my path.

Let me set the scene.

I saw myself being kidnapped by mysterious characters in my dream. The destination captive facility was a submarine.

I was taken without any violence from familiar scene to unknown.

two figures, while fully adorned by heavy and big-scale jewellery, walked me down a corridor. what stuck with me was that on both sides of the cor-

ridor, there were long lines of chairs where numb human figures were sitting. they didn’t even blink an eye when I was passing them. they were fully

adorned as the guys who were leading the way. well dressed also - by that I mean elegant suits and minimal dresses as canvases for accessories. as I was

passing them, I was thinking about my destiny. will I become one of them?

I did become one of them, I was taken to a laboratory-like room and given a command to undress myself while one of the guys gave me a slip dress to

cover my body. As I was being transformed to the unknown, my memory was not the first thing they wiped out. It was my appearance. For some rea-

son they kept me alert for a few hours and then I stood before the same fate as the people in the corridor. I blacked out in the end.

All pieces are created with the help of Erki-Eric Pillmann.

photographers / Alissa Šnaider, Katarina Žigura, Triinu Kööba, Claudia Lepik

models / Johanna Oden, Irmi Holm


